Ideas for Keeping the Weight Off During the Holidays
Before beginning any exercise or dietary program, please talk to your health care professional. The holiday season is upon us and soon the pounds will be too. Holiday dinners and…
Great Treadmill Workouts for Weight Loss
Incorporating treadmill workouts into your weight loss program can be the workout that finally makes a difference. The physicians and staff at the Medical College of Wisconsin found in a…
Women Who Run | Cornstalks and Critters: Marathon Training in Kansas in July
“The sun flickered like a strobe light as it rose behind the cornstalks. I had no one to dance with, so I cranked my tunes and ran faster.” – My…
Women Who Run | Part 2
Last week I told you how I became a runner. Six months into it, running was no longer solely about fitness and weight loss. Running had become something important I…
Is Barefoot Running For Everyone?
One of the hot topics with runners, podiatrists, and sports physical therapists now is the trend of barefoot running. With more shoemakers jumping on the minimalist bandwagon after seeing the…
Women Who Run
There are a lot of women running groups out there that have prompted us to start an going post called – “Women Who Run.” We are calling out to all…
Weightloss Wednesdays: Week 5
I am 28 days in and I lost 1 lb. That is a total of 5 lbs loss. As you can see I have been working out a lot so…
Glute Strengthening and ITB Syndrome
Many distance runners at all level are familiar with Iliotibial Band (or ITB) Syndrome. Whether they’ve suffered from it themselves or they know someone who has, the soreness along the…
Weight Loss Wednesdays: Week 2
I am 14 days in and I have lost another 2 lbs, totaling 4 lbs. I was able to run on the AlterG as much as I hoped for which…