Movement Is Medicine for Patients Suffering From Osteoarthritis
Is it possible for those with osteoarthritis (OA) to avoid or delay hip and knee replacement surgery through physical therapy and exercise? Studies show that minimizing OA pain and getting…
Exercise: the Key to Maintaining Senior Mobility and Independence
Greetings from AlterG HQ! We hope everyone stateside had a fun, safely-pyrotechnic 4th of July. In honor of Independence Day, this week’s blog is all about maintaining mobility to retain…
Exercise: the Best Medicine for Beating Back Dementia
According to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 5 million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s. That means that every 66 seconds, a new diagnosis is made. Many of us are,…
Physical Therapy: Yeah, it’s for You!
We’ve all been there before: blindsided with an injury that takes us out of the game, out of our job, or even totally out of commission. Oftentimes, we look for…
The Psychology of Motivation: How to Get Your Patients to Stay the Course
Motivation is a funny thing. Some people will strap on their running shoes and hit the gym, even on a bad day. Some wouldn’t go even if you offered to…
Physical Therapy Boosts Orthopedic and Bariatric Surgery Outcomes for Obese Patients
Most people recognize that an exercise program is critical to weight management and weight loss. But for adult obese patients who are prospects for bariatric or orthopedic surgery, this concept…
How Exercise For Breast Cancer Patients Empowers Them For The Fight
If you have patients who have been through breast cancer treatment, you know they’re on a brutal uphill climb. And the battle doesn’t end after the cancer is in remission….
Age, Obesity, And Arthritis: How To Help Patients Overcome All 3
Remember when normal wear and tear was the main culprit for knee osteoarthritis? With a growing obesity epidemic, joint degradation—and pain—often come from excessive weight, according to a September 2010…