5 Pointers for Better Training in Cold Weather
Should you be one of the brave and determined souls that engage in cold weather training, we salute you. No hibernation for the weary, especially when there are resolutions on…
3 Winter Workouts You Can Do At Home
Like most dark and dreary winter days, at-home workouts tend to be boring and uninspired. We thought we’d put together a list of three fun exercise activities that will stimulate…
4 Ways to Safely Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions
In the spirit of optimism and support, we salute your new year’s resolutions, whatever they may be. In our experience, what separates those who achieve their new year’s resolutions and…
Workout Ideas for When Gyms Get Crowded in January
Have you noticed how crowded the gyms are in January? That’s because a curious phenomenon takes place at the beginning of each new year: people flock to make good on…
Get Out of Thine Office and Walk! 4 Tips for Incorporating More Walking into Your Daily Schedule
Take a moment and ask yourself a simple question: How many hours, per day, do I spend sitting? If you’re like most Americans, the answer to that question might be…
Celebrate #OW2017 With a Focus on Diet and Movement
October 29 marks the beginning of Obesity Week—time to celebrate! Wait, we’re celebrating? Yes! Because Obesity Week is the annual gathering of scientists, researchers, and medical professionals committed to improving…
The Impact of Exercise on Mental Health
Living with mental health issues can be challenging. Anxiety, depression—ADHD, stress, and PTSD—mental health issues touch nearly every aspect of life, from work to relationships to overall wellbeing. And these…
Benefits of Walking When Living with Atrial Fibrillation
September is National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month, the perfect time to explore this serious, sometimes life-threatening heart condition that affects over 200,000 people a year in the United States…
How Your Meals Impact Your Movement
With such a focus on movement in physical therapy, we sometimes forget about one of the keys to proper movement: food. Balance, coordination, strength building, recovery—all of these important elements…