I am 28 days in and I lost 1 lb. That is a total of 5 lbs loss. As you can see I have been working out a lot so I have a feeling that I am gaining muscle because I feel as if that number should be higher. I am getting my body fat measured finally Friday.
I started experiencing quad pain that was progressively worse on Sunday. I could not even walk without limping. I saw Dr Riggs on Monday and in his professional opinion he thinks it may be in my hip and referring to my quad. He referred me to Ortho and to get an MRI. I will post results as soon as I get more information. Dr Riggs also told me that I need to take a break from running and only run on the AlterG at a percentage that is tolerable.
If any of you been able to try the AlterG since my lost post? If you have please let me know what you thought about the experience.
Here is my daily exercise log:
4/21/10 – ran on the AlterG for 15 minutes at 70% body weight at a speed of 7mph, Crossfit, Camp Gladiator
4/22/10 – Easy run 30 minutes with sprint intervals
4/23/10 – ran on the AlterG for 30 minutes at 75% body weight at a speed of 7mph, Crossfit
4/24/10 – 1 Hour of Yoga
4/25/10 – Tried to run, my leg was extremely painful lasted 5 minutes
4/26/10 – ran on the AlterG for 17 minutes at 70% body weight and a speed of 7mph; my quads were a bit painful, Crossfit
4/27/10 – Crossfit
Made it this far and more to come with upcoming posts! Please feel free to comment below and share any tips or feedback you have.