What’s the Difference Between Static and Dynamic Stretching?
Stretching is a lot like flossing. We know that it’s important and that we should be doing it. We know that it helps our bodies in the long run. Yet…
5 Workouts for People With Fall Risk
Fall risk is inherent to certain activities no matter who you are. Yet, some conditions increase fall risk during certain types of movement and exercise. One in four Americans aged…
Why Your Body Needs Rest Days
There is a hero in us all that loves to “just push through.” Push through the pain. Push through the fatigue, soreness, and hunger. While there is nothing wrong with…
5 Pointers for Better Training in Cold Weather
Should you be one of the brave and determined souls that engage in cold weather training, we salute you. No hibernation for the weary, especially when there are resolutions on…
5 Tips for Reducing Joint Pain During Exercise
For most people living an active lifestyle, there comes a time when the joints start talking. It could be the knees, hips, and ankles; or it might be your elbows,…
Best American Races for Runners in 2019
Why do we run races? Love for the sport, sure. The challenge to body and mind. The camaraderie and setting are important, too. For most runners, though, a race is…
4 Ways to Safely Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions
In the spirit of optimism and support, we salute your new year’s resolutions, whatever they may be. In our experience, what separates those who achieve their new year’s resolutions and…
How to Warm Up Like a Professional Runner
Whether you’re a casual runner or an aspiring professional, it’s important to warm up before you run. A good warm up is one of the most overlooked elements of a…
Training Teenage Athletes with AlterG
For so many collegiate and professional athletes, learning and development begins during the teenage years. Start ‘em young, as the saying goes. And for good reason: training teenage athletes provides…
3 Tips for Building Fast Twitch Muscles
Sprint faster. Be more explosive off the line. Increase agility and quickness. These common goals cannot be achieved without the development of fast-twitch muscles. What are fast-twitch muscles, you ask?…