Did You Miss Our Last Webinar? How Anti-Gravity Technology Can Help Anyone
If there is one belief that we are deeply committed to, it is the ability of anti-gravity technology to change lives. We’ve seen the impact it can make on people…
How Unweighting Can Help Treat Knee Osteoarthritis
The ways we develop osteoarthritis of the knee are many. There’s the sports we play, the jobs we hold. For most of us, though, knee osteoarthritis develops as we age….
A Femur Fracture Rehab Case Study
If it sounds terrible, that’s because it is: according to the American Physical Therapy Association, a femur fracture is the “break, crack, or crush injury of the thigh bone.” Recovery…
Have a Fibula Stress Fracture? Take a Load Off!
It can start as tolerable pain that only comes after physical activity. Over time, the pain increases, invades your exercise routine, and may even reach a point where walking is…
Unloading to Treat the Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
There’s no question that exercise has a positive impact on patients living with Parkinson’s Disease (PD). It’s been shown to slow the progress of tremors, improve balance and mobility, and…
How Nutrition Affects Everyday Life
It’s the beginning of a new year, and everyone is talking about healthy resolutions. We see it in blog posts, Instagram stories, lengthy Facebook rants—this is the year I’m…
How to Get Heart Healthy (and Stay That Way)
The statistics are in, and they’re staggering: according to the American College of Cardiology, heart disease causes one out of every three deaths in the United States. That’s approximately 800,000…
Don’t Let Your New Year’s Resolutions Harm You
If you read our post on four common New Year’s resolutions (and some tips for achieving them), you know that the struggle is real. Waking up on the first day…
Common New Year’s Resolutions and How to Make Them a Reality
It’s December. The New Year is fast approaching, and with it comes the typical, predictable, inevitable resolutions that we make the morning after the ball drops in Times Square. This…
3 Tips for Examining and Correcting Your Gait
Recently, I noticed an odd dip while walking around in my running shoes. So, I sat down, took them off, and examined the soles—just as I suspected, they were worn…