Overuse syndrome is a disorder where a certain part of the body is damaged by repeatedly overusing it or subjecting it to too much stress.
The strain that causes overuse syndrome occurs when a body part is called on to work harder, stretch farther, impact more directly, or otherwise function at a greater level then it is capable of handling. The affecting impact may be insignificant, but when it occurs repeatedly the constant straining can cause damage. The term overuse syndrome identifies a large group of conditions that result from using the body in a repetitive way, causing injury from the amount of cumulative stress.
These conditions are often focused on a joint and usually affect the muscle, bone, tendon or bursa of the joint. However other anatomical features and areas can be stressed and their response to that strain can be an injury.
Some common examples of overuse syndromes are:
- Tendonitis
- Bursitis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Patellofemoral Pain
- IT Band Syndrome
- Plantar Fasciitis
Repetitive Stress Injury
Repetitive stress injuries are a type of overuse syndrome that affects bones, muscles, tendons, nerves and other structures of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. It develops when small injuries occur repeatedly from repetitive tasks, forceful exertions, vibrations, mechanical compression (impact on hard surfaces), or sustained or awkward positions. It is also known as Repetitive Strain Injuries or Disorders, Repetitive Stress Disorders, Cumulative Trauma Disorders, Overuse Syndromes, Repetitive Motion Injuries, Disorders or Musculoskeletal Disorders.
Hip overuse injuries such as tendinitis and bursitis occur commonly in individuals who actively participate in running, cycling, and cutting sports such as soccer, football, hockey, etc. These injuries can occur after an acute injury, such as an adductor strain from soccer, or present as a chronic pain, such as a hamstring tendinopathy from repetitive activities such as running. Training errors, biomechanical issues, and sudden increases in activity levels are also risk factors. In the adolescent age group, traction injuries such as avulsion fracture and apophysitis can occur and cause difficulties with training and performance.
The investigation into the cause and treatment of hip and other overuse injuries can often be frustrating for clinicians and patients alike, but with the unweighting conditioning equipment from AlterG, athletes and novices alike can train without the added risk of overload and overuse injuries often encountered in many sports. The AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill™ allows the user to train longer, run faster, gain additional strength, and enhance cardiovascular performance while minimizing impact and stress on their joints.
- Strengthens and improves coordination of muscles, which in turn protects surrounding joints.
- Promotes the full range of motion while minimizing stress during athletic conditioning.
The AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill creates a lifting force using Differential Air Pressure (DAP) Technology. The athlete wears neoprene shorts and zips into a pressurized, airtight enclosure which calibrates to their exact body weight. The intuitive control panel allows the athlete to change his/her weight, reducing it by as much as 80% in precise 1% increments.